# # spec file for package libapr1 # # Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # %define aprver 1 %define installbuilddir %{_libdir}/apr-%{aprver}/build %define includedir %{_includedir}/apr-%{aprver} Name: libapr1 Version: 1.5.1 Release: 2.8 Summary: Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Library License: Apache-2.0 Group: Development/Libraries/Other Url: http://apr.apache.org/ Source: http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/apr-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source2: baselibs.conf Patch1: string-compare.diff Patch4: apr-1.4.5-linux3.patch Patch5: apr-visibility.patch BuildRequires: doxygen BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: libuuid-devel BuildRequires: lksctp-tools-devel # for the testsuite BuildRequires: netcfg BuildRequires: pkg-config BuildRequires: python BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to create and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. The primary goal is to provide an API to which software developers may code and be assured of predictable if not identical behaviour regardless of the platform on which their software is built, relieving them of the need to code special-case conditions to work around or take advantage of platform-specific deficiencies or features. The APR is used by both Open Source and Commercial projects, prominent examples being the Apache HTTP server. %package devel Summary: Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Library Group: Development/Libraries/Other Requires: glibc-devel Requires: libapr1 = %{version} %description devel The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to create and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. The primary goal is to provide an API to which software developers may code and be assured of predictable if not identical behaviour regardless of the platform on which their software is built, relieving them of the need to code special-case conditions to work around or take advantage of platform-specific deficiencies or features. The APR is used by both Open Source and Commercial projects, prominent examples being the Apache HTTP server. %prep %setup -q -n apr-%{version} %patch1 ###%patch4 %patch5 -p1 # Do not put date to doxy content sed -i \ -e '4 iHTML_TIMESTAMP=NO' \ docs/doxygen.conf %build ./buildconf export apr_lock_method=USE_PROC_PTHREAD_SERIALIZE %configure \ --enable-other-child \ --with-installbuilddir=%{installbuilddir} \ --includedir=%{includedir} \ %ifarch %ix86 --enable-nonportable-atomics=yes \ %endif --enable-allocator-uses-mmap \ --with-devrandom=/dev/urandom \ --disable-static \ --enable-posix-shm \ --with-sendfile \ --with-pic #make %{?_smp_mflags} CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fvisibility=hidden -fPIC" make %{?_smp_mflags} CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fPIC" make dox %{?_smp_mflags} %install make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install -j1 # Move docs to more convenient location mv docs/dox/html html # Unpackaged files: rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/apr.exp rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libapr-%{aprver}.la # Trim exported dependecies sed -ri '/^LIBS=/{s,-l(uuid|crypt) ,,g;s/ */ /g}' \ %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/apr-%{aprver}-config sed -ri '/^Libs/{s,-l(uuid|crypt) ,,g}' \ %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/apr-%{aprver}.pc %fdupes %{buildroot} %check %if ! 0%{?qemu_user_space_build} make check -j1 %endif %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc CHANGES %doc LICENSE %doc NOTICE %{_libdir}/libapr-%{aprver}.so.* # Do NOT move to devel as this is utilized by Tomcat %{_libdir}/libapr-%{aprver}.so %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %doc docs/APRDesign.html %doc docs/canonical_filenames.html %doc docs/incomplete_types %doc docs/non_apr_programs %doc html %doc emacs-mode %{includedir} %{_bindir}/apr-%{aprver}-config %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/apr-%{aprver}.pc %{_libdir}/apr-%{aprver} %changelog * Mon Sep 18 2017 Michael Perzl - 1.5.1-2.8 - recompiled for Ganglia without -fvisibility=hidden flag * Mon Jun 23 2014 tchvatal@suse.com - Single thread for tests. * Mon Jun 23 2014 tchvatal@suse.com - Move plain .so file from devel package to fix tomcat intercation. bnc#881700 * Fri Jun 20 2014 tchvatal@suse.com - Remove sparc mentions from baselibs * Fri Jun 20 2014 tchvatal@suse.com - Cleanup with spec-cleaner - Remove support for sle9 and friends. - Fix date and time usage to avoid the completely needless rebuilds - Run the tests in multiple threads * Fri Apr 18 2014 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - apr 1.5.1 * avoid segfault on apr_os_proc_mutex_get() with cross- process pthread mutexes * Fix POSIX shared memory (shm_open) use for named shared memory. (reenabled in package as well) * Fri Apr 18 2014 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - remove apr-1.3.0-testshm-apr_shm_remove.patch, no longer needed * Thu Nov 21 2013 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.5.0. required for upcoming apache 2.4.x * Add apr_sockaddr_is_wildcard() * Add the apr_escape interface. * Add apr_skiplist family. * Add the apr_table_getm() call * Add apr_hash_this_key(), apr_hash_this_key_len(), and apr_hash_this_val() * many other changes irrelevant to *nix. * Tue Sep 24 2013 dmueller@suse.com - correct condition for avoiding make check is qemu_user_build, not armv7l * Wed Aug 28 2013 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Use compiler symbol visibility * Mon Jul 22 2013 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Update to apr 1.4.8 * Fix amd64 assembler version of apr_atomic_xchgptr() * many other bugfixes, see https://www.apache.org/dist/apr/CHANGES-APR-1.4 * Tue Jul 16 2013 mls@suse.de - get rid of --parents in doc section * Mon Oct 15 2012 coolo@suse.com - buildrequire explicitly netcfg for the test suite * Fri Aug 17 2012 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Merge some build improvements/fixes from Fedora * Sat Feb 18 2012 poeml@cmdline.net - updated to 1.4.6 * ) Flush write buffer before truncate call on a file. * ) Security: oCERT-2011-003 Randomise hashes by providing a seed. * ) apr_random: Prevent segfault if pool used to initialize apr_random is destroyed before forking. * ) testrand: Improve child randomness test case. * ) apr_proc_fork, apr_random_after_fork: disambiguate what happens to the proc structure passed in, and ensure that the pid is set correctly in a newly created child; note that merely mixing a PID into the random seed of a new child doesn't markedly increase entropy. * ) apr_file_open: Avoid fcntl() calls if support for O_CLOEXEC works. PR 48557. * ) apr_dir_make_recursive: Fix race condition that could lead to EEXIST being returned. PR 51254. * ) configure: Fix APR_RESTORE_THE_ENVIRONMENT if the original variable was a single space. PR 50334. * ) apr_proc_create: Don't close any of the new stdin/stdout/stderr in the child if it already has the correct FD. PR 51995. * ) Fix flag character '#' in combination with format character 'x' in apr snprintf implementations. * ) Improve platform detection by updating config.guess and config.sub. * ) Add libtool2 files to extraclean make target. * ) Don't overwrite our config.guess and config.sub when running buildconf. * ) Silence autoconf 2.68 warnings. * Tue Jan 24 2012 cfarrell@suse.com - license update: Apache-2.0 Fix the license to a single SPDX compatible string * Fri Jan 20 2012 draht@suse.de - add Group tag to subpackages * Tue Dec 20 2011 coolo@suse.com - add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency * Sun Aug 7 2011 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Fix broken linux 3 version test in configure,make the configure script assume linux 2.6.0 * Sat Jul 16 2011 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - remove -fno-strict-aliasing and LDAP_DEPRECATED from CFLAGS no longer needed. * Thu May 26 2011 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Update to APR 1.4.5 * Security: CVE-2011-1928 apr_fnmatch(): Fix high CPU loop. [William Rowe] * Fix top_builddir in installed apr_rules.mk. [Bojan Smojver] * Fri May 20 2011 crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Update to APR 1.4.4 * Security: CVE-2011-0419 * Fix address handling when accepting an AF_INET socket from a socket bound as AF_INET6. * Add configure option --enable-allocator-uses-mmap to reduce memory fragmentation. * Avoid a redundant fcntl() call in apr_file_open() where O_CLOEXEC is supported. * Mon Sep 6 2010 poeml@cmdline.net - fix build on CentOS5 (see below) * Mon Sep 6 2010 poeml@cmdline.net - fix build on SLE10 - don't run testatomic.c testcase, which fails only in the OBS, as it seems. Run manually, it works. Must be either Xen- or ulimit-related. (It doesn't seem to be possible to increase ulimit -v in the OBS, unfortunately.) - don't run autoconf - fix build on SLES9 - remove build dep on non-existing pkg-config - don't run autoconf * Wed Jul 28 2010 poeml@cmdline.net - Update to 1.4.2: Changes for APR 1.4.2 * ) Undo a crash-bug introduced in 1.3.9 affecting some applications of the apr hash and table structures, reported to affect Subversion by Bert Huijben . [Graham Leggett] Changes for APR 1.4.1 * ) Win32: Properly handle the ERROR_DIRECTORY system error code. [Brane Čibej] Changes for APR 1.4.0 * ) Add apr_global_mutex_lockfile() for retrieving the file, if any, associated with the mutex. Add apr_global_mutex_name() for retrieving the name of the lock mechanism used by the underlying proc mutex. [Jeff Trawick] * ) Add apr_socket_atreadeof to determine whether the receive part of the socket has been closed by the peer. [Ruediger Pluem, Mladen Turk, Joe Orton] * ) Make apr_pollset and apr_pollcb implementations using providers. Added apr_pollset_create_ex and apr_pollcb_create_ex that allows choosing non-default providers. [Mladen Turk] * ) apr_temp_dir_get() now checks the TMPDIR environment variable first, instead of third. [Jim Jagielski] * ) Add apr_file_sync() and apr_file_datasync() calls. [Bojan Smojver] * ) apr_pollset_wakeup() on Windows: Fix core caused by closing the file_socket_pipe with standard file_close. [Arsen Chaloyan, Mladen Turk] * ) Introduce apr_hash_do() for iterating over a hash table. [Mladen Turk] * ) Make sure WIN32 behaves the same as posix for file-backed shared memory by removing the file on cleanup/remove. [Mladen Turk] * ) Introduce apr_pollset_wakeup() for interrupting the blocking apr_pollset_poll() call. [Mladen Turk] * ) Add apr_file_link() function. PR 44841. [Mark Heily ] Changes for APR 1.3.12 * ) Fix detection of some Linux variants when configure is built with recent GNU tools. [Eric Covener] Changes for APR 1.3.11 * ) Fix bad autoconf version number in messages from buildcheck.sh (called from buildconf). [Jeff Trawick] Changes for APR 1.3.10 * ) Avoid a redundant fcntl() call in apr_file_open() where O_CLOEXEC is supported. PR 46297. [Joe Orton] * ) Solaris 10 and later: Change the default cross-mutex mechanism from fcntl to pthread to resolve EDEADLK failures with some multi-threaded, multi-process applications (e.g., httpd's worker MPM with certain plug-in modules). [Jeff Trawick] * ) Solaris pollcb support: Fix a hang in apr_pollcb_poll(). [Jeff Trawick] * ) Solaris pollset support: Fix a 1.3.9 regression in apr_pollset_poll() which could result in a crash when the call was interrupted by a signal. PR 48030. [Jeff Trawick] * ) Solaris pollset support: Fix a 1.3.9 regression in apr_pollset_poll() which resulted in invalid return codes from the APR function. A work- around was needed for bad return codes from 32-bit port_getn() on Solaris 10 x86. PR 48029. [Jeff Trawick] Changes for APR 1.3.9 * ) Posix semaphores can now be named and used as named semaphores. [Jim Jagielski] * ) Better handling of APR_OFF_T_FMT for Darwin 10 depending on -arch setting of compiler. [Jim Jagielski] * ) Add comments describing the thread-safety properties of apr_pool_t. [Neil Conway nrc cs.berkeley.edu] * ) Pass default environment to testsock, testshm and testproc children, so that tests run when APR is compiled with Intel C Compiler. [Bojan Smojver] * ) Fix error handling in the Solaris pollset support (Event Port backend). PR 47645. [Jeff Trawick] * ) Add the remainder of this fix from trunk: Fix Solaris poll failure. PR 43000 [Henry Jen ] * Sat Jun 12 2010 bg@novell.com - remove test testatomic on hppa to fix build * Sat Apr 24 2010 coolo@novell.com - buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides * Tue Dec 15 2009 jengelh@medozas.de - add baselibs.conf as a source - package baselibs for SPARC * Mon Aug 10 2009 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.3.8 * ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-2412 (cve.mitre.org) Fix overflow in pools and rmm, where size alignment was taking place. * ) Make sure that "make check" is used in the RPM spec file, consistent with apr-util. * ) Pass default environment to testflock, testoc and testpipe children, so that tests run when APR is compiled with Intel C Compiler. * Wed Jul 29 2009 poeml@suse.de - obsolete patch apr-1.2.8-pool-cleanups.patch removed. This patch was applied only when build_with_memory_pool_debug was defined during the build, which is true for the Apache:APR_Pool_Debug project, but it was disabled even there. It was not clear whether the patch was really useful, I seemed to have more success testing with the pool debug builds with this patch. But that was two years ago and we don't seem to miss it. * Mon Jul 27 2009 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.3.7 * ) More elaborate detection for dup3(), accept4() and epoll_create1(). * Wed Jul 8 2009 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.3.6 * ) On Linux/hppa flock() returns EAGAIN instead of EWOULDBLOCK. This causes proc mutex failures. * ) Set CLOEXEC flags where appropriate. Either use new O_CLOEXEC flag and associated functions, such as dup3(), accept4(), epoll_create1() etc., or simply set CLOEXEC flag using fcntl(). PR 46425. * Mon Jun 8 2009 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.3.5 * ) Dropped kqueue and apr_poll detection from Mac OS/X 10.5/Darwin 9 due to various reported problems. * ) apr_strerror() on OS/2: Fix problem with calculating buffer size. * ) Prefer glibtool1/glibtoolize1. * ) Fix buildconf with libtool 2.2. * ) Fix a bug with the APR_DELONCLOSE flag. Child processes were (also) unlinking the file. * ) Fix compilation error on systems that do not have IPV6. * ) apr_socket_sendfile() on Solaris: Fix handling of files truncated after the sender determines the length. (This fixes a busy loop in httpd when a file being served is truncated.) * ) Fix documentation for apr_temp_dir_get(). * ) Add AC_MSG_RESULT after AC_MSG_CHECKING. * ) Reset errno to zero in apr_strtoi64 to prevent returning an errno not equal zero in cases where the operation worked fine. [Ruediger Pluem] * ) Win32: Do not error out on apr_pollset_poll() when there are no sockets. * ) Fix apr_tokenize_to_argv parsing. * Mon Nov 17 2008 ro@suse.de - SLE-11 uses PPC64 instead of PPC, adapt baselibs.conf * Fri Nov 14 2008 poeml@suse.de - simplify the usage of the sles_version macro * Thu Oct 30 2008 skh@suse.de - obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293) (olh@suse.de) * Tue Aug 19 2008 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.3.3 final (updating to the release tarball, which has all the patches.) * Sat Aug 9 2008 poeml@suse.de - add apr-1.3.2-r684091.patch Backport r683771 from the trunk. Fix APR_PID_T_FMT detection on Solaris. - rename apr-1.3.3-patch to apr-1.3.3.patch * Thu Aug 7 2008 poeml@suse.de - add post-1.3.2 patches (backports from trunk committed to the 1.3.x branch) * ) Rename apr_pool_create_core to apr_pool_create_unmanaged and deprecate the old API name. It better reflects the scope and usage of this function. [Mladen Turk] * ) Use proper return code for fcntl-based apr_proc_mutex_trylock() on platforms that return EACCES instead of EAGAIN when the lock is already held (AIX, HP-UX). [Eric Covener] * Thu Aug 7 2008 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.3.2. Changes: * ) Fix getservbyname_r() detection. [Ruediger Pluem] * ) Fix win32 apr.hw to pick up XP/2003 TCP/IP multicast constants and revert to IPV6 disabled-by-default (a change present only in 1.3.0). [William Rowe] * ) Fix autoconf cached detection of atomic builtins. [Jim Jagielski] * ) Use thread safe versions of getservbyname(). [Bojan Smojver] * ) Use thread safe getpass_r on Netware. [Guenter Knauf] * Thu Jul 17 2008 poeml@suse.de - skip testatomic testcase on sles9-x86_64 for now * Thu Jul 17 2008 poeml@suse.de - workaround for ugly bug [bnc#400488] Xen kernel on sles9 x86_64 is set up to behave different than all other kernels * Sun Jun 15 2008 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.3.0. Changes, with non-Linux relevant portions omitted (see http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/CHANGES-APR-1.3 for complete list): * ) apr_getservbyname(): Use proper method for converting port to host byte order. PR 44903. [Chris Taylor ] * ) Use /dev/urandom in preference to /dev/random as entropy source for apr_generate_random_bytes. PR 44881. [Bojan Smojver] * ) Introduce apr_pool_pre_cleanup_register() for registering a cleanup that is called before any subpool is destroyed within apr_pool_clear or apr_pool_destroy. This allows to register a cleanup that will notify subpools about its inevitable destruction. [Mladen Turk] * ) Introduce apr_pool_create_core_ex() for creation of standalone pools without parent. This function should be used for short living pools, usually ones that are created and destroyed either in a loop or inside function call. Since the pools created with this function doesn't have a parent they must be explicitly destroyed when done. [Mladen Turk] * ) Fix return value when apr_pollset_poll interrupted. PR 42580 [Basant Kumar Kukreja ] * ) Fix the make test target in the spec file. [Graham Leggett] * ) Introduce apr_file_pipe_create_ex() to portably permit one pipe end or another to be entirely blocking for non-APR applications (e.g. stdio streams) and the other (or both ends) non blocking, with a timeout of 0 by default. [William Rowe] * ) Introduce APR_NO_FILE as an option to apr_procattr_io_set() for any of the three stdio streams to cause the corresponding streams to be closed to the child process. This becomes effective in 1.3.0 across platforms (equivilant to APR_NO_PIPE in 1.2.x except on Win32.) [William Rowe] * ) Add table cloning (deep copy) convenience function. [Davi Arnaut] * ) Stop invoking the testshm* helpers upon 'make test' invocation. [Kurt Miller ] * ) Register a cleanup only if APR_FILE_NOCLEANUP was not flagged in apr_file_mktemp. [Brian J. France ] * ) Discard file buffers when running cleanups for exec. PR 41119. [Davi Arnaut , Bojan Smojver] * ) Improve thread safety of assorted file_io functions. PR 42400. [Davi Arnaut ] * ) Add the apr_pollcb API as an alternative more efficient method of polling sockets, compared to apr_pollset. [Paul Querna] * ) Fix possible crash in apr_pool_initialize() when built with verbose pool debugging. PR 41063. [Peter Steiner ] * ) Fix --disable-ipv6 build on platforms with getifaddrs(). PR 39199. [Joe Orton] * ) Portably check for EEXIST in mktemp code. PR 40818 [Kenneth Golomb ] * ) Fix apr_socket_recvfrom() to ensure the peer's address is returned through the "from" parameter. [Joe Orton] * ) Fix error checking in kqueue, epoll and event port versions of apr_pollset_create. PR 40660, 40661, 40662 [Larry Cipriani ] * ) Add some documentation on the format matched by apr_fnmatch. [David Glasser ] * ) Add apr_hash_clear. [Daniel L. Rall ] * ) Don't try to build apr_app.c on MinGW. [Matthias Miller ] * ) Fix the timeout converstion in apr_pollset with the KQueue backend. [Marco Molteni ] * ) Support MinGW. [John Vandenberg, Justin Erenkrantz] * ) Implement apr_thread_yield on Unix in terms of pthread_yield or sched_yield. [Keisuke Nishida ] * ) Make apr_socket_recvfrom initialize the port field in the from sockaddr. PR 39325 [Anthony Minessale ] * ) NetBSD: Avoid leaving zombie process when using apr_signal() to ignore SIGCHLD. PR 36750. [Todd Vierling ] * ) Implement support for apr_proc_mutex_trylock() on Unix platforms. PR 38785. [Chris Darroch ] * ) APR_FIND_APR macro now supports customisable detailed checks on each installed apr. [Justin Erenkrantz, Colm MacCarthaigh] * ) APR_FIND_APR macro no longer checks /usr/local/apache2/ [Colm MacCarthaigh] * ) Add APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY option to apr_pollset API to eliminate O(n)-time lookup in apr_pollset_remove() (currently implemented only for epoll). [Brian Pane] * ) Add apr_file_buffer_set() and apr_file_buffer_size_get() functions to support variable buffer sizes with APR file handles. [Colm MacCarthaigh] * ) Add apr_file_open_flags_std[err|out|in]() functions. [Colm MacCarthaigh] * ) stdio: apr_file_open_std[err|out|in]() functions now set the APR_WRITE or APR_READ flag as appropriate. [Colm MacCarthaigh] * ) multicast: apr_mcast_*() no longer return APR_ENOTIMPL when invoked for non-UDP/RAW sockets. The caller is expected to ensure that the socket-type is suitable for multicast. [Colm MacCarthaigh] * ) Add apr_sockaddr_ip_getbuf() function. [Joe Orton] * ) Fix handling of %%pI in apr_psprintf. [Joe Orton] * ) Provide APR_VERSION_AT_LEAST() macro for applications which want to enable features based on a required level of APR. [Jeff Trawick] * ) jlibtool: Teach to use static libraries with -static. [Justin Erenkrantz] * ) Fix checks for alloca() support in configure. PR 13037. [Noah Misch ] * ) Add %%pm support to apr_snprintf() for printing the error string corresponding to an apr_status_t value. [Joe Orton] * ) Add APR_ARRAY_IDX() and APR_ARRAY_PUSH() convenience macros to apr_tables.h. [Garrett Rooney] - fix testshm testcase - remove manual addition of -g, since the OBS takes care of it now. * Mon Jun 9 2008 poeml@suse.de - build service supports the debuginfo flag in metadata now; remove debug_package macro from the specfile therefore. * Tue Apr 15 2008 schwab@suse.de - Don't use autoreconf. * Thu Apr 10 2008 ro@suse.de - added baselibs.conf file to build xxbit packages for multilib support * Mon Nov 26 2007 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.2.12 (only changes relevant on Linux listed here): * ) Numerous fixes to the test/ framework, including better handling of long size_t comparisons and more consistent Makefile.(in|win) setup for authoring new tests. [William Rowe] * ) Fix --disable-ipv6 build on platforms with getifaddrs(). PR 39199. [Joe Orton] * ) Define apr_ino_t in such a way that it doesn't change definition based on the library consumer's -D'efines to the filesystem. [Lucian Adrian Grijincu ] * ) Fill in apr_fileinfo_t member st_csize on Netware and Unix (PR 41678), and refine the file times down to apr_time_t resolution if supported by a st_atimensec or st_atim.tv_nsec value by the OS. Additional msec implementations are possible if exposed through autoconf. [William Rowe, Nicklas Edmundsson ] * ) Fix apr_socket_recvfrom() to ensure the peer's port and address is returned through the "from" parameter on Unix and Win32. [Joe Orton, William Rowe] * Wed Sep 12 2007 poeml@suse.de - fix missing endif in build section, fixing build on Mandriva (went unnoticed on openSUSE) - use debug_package macro only on suse, because it breaks the build on Mandriva * Wed Sep 12 2007 poeml@suse.de - don't run autoreconf -fi on build platforms older than 10.3. The 'i' in that replaces config.guess, config.sub, ltmain.sh (dated 2007) with versions from, say, 2005. This will lead to a miscompile on SLE10 for instance (segfault in apr_initialize()) - don't apply the cleanup apr-1.2.8-pool-cleanups.patch when built with build_with_memory_pool_debug for now * Mon Sep 10 2007 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.2.11: * ) Win32 apr_file_read; Correctly handle completion-based read-to-EOF. [Steven Naim ] * ) Fixed Win32 regression of stdout inheritance in apr_proc_create. [William Rowe] * ) Solve winNT inherited pipe leaks by mutexing apr_proc_create calls, on WinNT (not WinCE, nor 9x) so that we toggle the inherited state of the stdin/out/err pipes. All other file handles are treated as not-inherited until apr_file_dup2'ed a std handle of this process, or while they are used by apr_proc_create. [William Rowe] * ) Define the Mac OS/X filesystem_encoding as utf-8 (in previous releases the interpretation would vary). [Erik Huelsmann ] * ) Fix day of year (tm_day) calculation for July. The bug only affects Windows builds. PR 42953. [Davi Arnaut] * ) Fix LFS detection when building over NFS. The mode must be specified when O_CREAT is in the flags to open(). PR 42821. [Rainer Jung ] * ) Avoid overwriting the hash_mutex table for applications that incorrectly calls apr_atomic_init(). PR 42760. [Davi Arnaut] * ) Allow IPv6 connectivity test to fail, avoiding a potentially fatal error. [Davi Arnaut] * ) The MinGW Windows headers effectively redefines WINADVAPI from __stdcall to empty which results in a link failure when wincrypt.h is placed after an include to apr_private.h. PR 42293. [Curt Arnold] * ) Define SEM_FAILED if it isn't already defined, as the proc mutex code already does it. Also search for the sem_open function in the realtime library. (This fixes HP-UX sem_open detection). [Davi Arnaut] * ) Define the _HPUX_SOURCE feature test macro to obtain maximum functionality. Fixes broken sendfile with LFS support on HP-UX. PR 42261. [Davi Arnaut] * Tue Aug 21 2007 crrodriguez@suse.de - first attempt to remove static libraries and libtool crap. * Mon Aug 20 2007 poeml@suse.de - on SLES9, use 'autoheader; autoconf' to configure, as before, instead of autoreconf -fi, which won't work * Sun Aug 12 2007 crrodriguez@suse.de - apr 1.2.9 * ) Stop invoking the testshm* helpers upon 'make test' invocation. * ) Register a cleanup only if APR_FILE_NOCLEANUP was not flagged in apr_file_mktemp. * ) Discard file buffers when running cleanups for exec. PR 41119. * ) If apr_proc_create() fails to exec in the fork()ed child, call _exit() not exit() to avoid running atexit()-registered functions in the child. * ) Improve thread safety of assorted file_io functions. * ) Fix file pointer position calculation in apr_file_writev() on buffered file. * ) Fix formatting of unsigned integers larger than 2^63 in the vformatter/apr_*printf. * ) Fix possible EFAULT failures in apr_socket_sendfile() on 32-bit Solaris with LFS enabled * ) Fix deadlock in apr_file_gets() for a file opened with both the APR_BUFFERED and APR_XTHREAD flags. - run make ceck in the rpm check section - add missing glibc-devel dependency to -devel package * Wed Jul 18 2007 poeml@suse.de - if the rpm macro build_with_memory_pool_debug is defined, build with --enable-pool-debug=verbose-alloc. (This is the case in the Apache-Pool-Debug buildservice project.) - add apr-1.2.8-pool-cleanups.patch: don't run cleanup handlers _after_ destroying subpools - add debug_package macro in buildservice (will soon be obsolete) * Wed May 2 2007 dmueller@suse.de - Fix comparison with string literal * Mon Dec 11 2006 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.2.8 * ) Correctly retrieve 'empty' environment values with apr_env_get on Win32 (e.g. "VAR="), and added validation to testall suite. * ) APR_FIND_APR macro no longer checks /usr/local/apache2/. * ) Portably check for EEXIST in mktemp code. PR 40818 * ) Fix apr_snprintf/apr_vsnprintf return value to not count the NUL terminator in the overflow case. PR 39996. * ) Fix detection of pthread cross-process robust mutexes. * ) NetBSD: Avoid leaving zombie process when using apr_signal() to ignore SIGCHLD. * ) Fix apr_socket_sendv() for platforms without writev. * ) Avoid issues using >2Gb of data per call with sendfile() on 64-bit Linux platforms. * Fri Oct 27 2006 poeml@suse.de - replace wrong configure switch --with-includedir with the correct one: --includedir. This fixes installation of the header files to /usr/include/apr-1 instead of /usr/include. [#164770] * Thu Jun 22 2006 schwab@suse.de - Don't depend on configure args being preserved. * Wed May 24 2006 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.2.7 * fixes for netware and win32 - update to 1.2.6 * bugfixes for libuuid, mutex, kqueue, ... - use %%suse_version to build doxygen documentation only on SUSE * Wed Jan 25 2006 mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires * Mon Jan 9 2006 poeml@suse.de - don't use pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np() unless pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() is available as well (the former is in glibc since 2005-12-26, but the latter not) * Wed Oct 12 2005 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.2.2 * Thu Sep 29 2005 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.2.1 - add -fno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS - add -DLDAP_DEPRECATED to CFLAGS * Fri Apr 8 2005 uli@suse.de - disabled test suite for ARM (may hang QEMU) * Thu Mar 24 2005 poeml@suse.de - update to 1.1.1 * Fri Feb 25 2005 poeml@suse.de - package created (1.1.0)