Name: cadaver Version: 0.23.3 Release: 2 Summary: Command-line WebDAV client License: GPLv2+ Group: Applications/Internet Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: neon-devel >= 0.29.6-3 BuildRequires: readline-devel >= 5.2-3 Requires: gettext Requires: neon >= 0.29.6-3 Requires: readline >= 5.2-3 %description cadaver is a command-line WebDAV client, with support for file upload, download, on-screen display, in-place editing, namespace operations (move/copy), collection creation and deletion, property manipulation, and resource locking. %prep %setup -q %build export CC="cc_r" ./configure \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --mandir=%{_mandir} \ --enable-threadsafe-ssl=posix \ --enable-threads=posix \ --with-neon=%{_prefix} \ --with-ssl=openssl \ --with-libxml2 \ --with-expat \ --with-libintl-prefix=%{_prefix} \ --enable-nls make %{?_smp_mflags} %install [ "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" != "/" ] && rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} make DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install /usr/bin/strip -X32_64 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/* || : cd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} mkdir -p usr/bin cd usr/bin ln -sf ../..%{_bindir}/* . %clean [ "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" != "/" ] && rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files %defattr(-,root,system,-) %doc NEWS FAQ THANKS TODO COPYING README ChangeLog %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/man?/* %{_datadir}/locale/*/*/* /usr/bin/* %changelog * Wed Feb 06 2013 Michael Perzl - 0.23.3-2 - require proper neon version compiled against openssl version 1.0.1 * Thu Apr 26 2012 Michael Perzl - 0.23.3-1 - first version for AIX V5.1 and higher